Smart building solutions

With KONE Residential Flow, digital key management is easy. You can say goodbye to struggling with doors or keys and missing important announcements or deliveries and hello to smart living. Our smart building solutions simplify residential flow and allow you to enjoy the convenience of a smart home.


Smart home

Digital key management provides safe, easy access to your smart home.

  • Unlock and open your building’s main door automatically
  • Travel to your home floor without touching a single button
  • Keep everything secure with digital keys that can be quickly deactivated remotely

Remote access

Residential flow and smart building solutions allow you to welcome visitors remotely.

  • Greet visitors via your home intercom or smartphone
  • Grant access at the touch of a button, wherever you are


Smart living means getting access to the right information at the right time.

  • View important building announcements on your smartphone
  • Check the weather forecast or public transport timetables on media screens

Do you want to see KONE Residential Flow in action?

Let's book a demo meeting and we’ll tell you more about it! Just leave your contact info and we’ll be in touch.

What’s in it for you?


Create the smartest building on the block

KONE Residential Flow is an Investment in the future of your building that will help you surpass the expectations of your customers with optimized people flow, a stylish and modern look and feel, and the latest in smart-building technology.

We’ll make the people-flow planning process as easy as possible for you with clear communication, a single point of contact for all your needs, and our range of expert planning services.


Enjoy seamless, smooth access – every day

KONE Residential Flow makes everyday life that little bit easier in all kinds of ways with the help of your smartphone and media screens. Instead of struggling with keys and elevator buttons or missing visitors and important deliveries, let your smartphone do the work for you. You can use it to open the building front door, call the elevator automatically, and grant access to visitors. It also becomes your virtual noticeboard for important building announcements along with media screens in the elevator.


Save time and improve communication with residents

When it’s your job to keep everything running smoothly in the building, KONE Residential Flow saves you time and helps you keep everyone up to date. You can share important announcements quickly and easily from one place, instantly update residents’ names on intercoms, and stay in control of building access with easy digital key management.

With smart building technologies you can ensure a bright future for your investment by helping your property stand out from the crowd with increased convenience – for you and your tenants.

What does KONE Residential Flow include?

Arrive in style

Like a virtual valet, we open your garage door.

Stay informed on the go

Choose push messages, info screens, or both.

Open the door to a new level of convenience

Like a virtual concierge, we open your doors for you.

Stay in the know

Media screens provide important information from your facility manager.

No more unnecessary waiting

The elevator will arrive at just the right time to take you to your home floor.

Open doors remotely

Greet and grant access to delivery personnel and other visitors from your smartphone.

Want to know more?

Download the brochure

Download the brochure

Find out more about how KONE Residential Flow can make homecomings simpler.

Get in touch

You can use the form below to tell us more about how we can help you. One of our teams will be in touch as soon as possible.

Sample form


My query is about *|Installing new equipment in a new building|Installing new equipment in an existing building|Repairing or upgrading existing equipment|Maintenance services|Other
Equipment/service type *|Elevators|Autowalks|Escalators|Smart building solutions|Multiple/other

Please notice, that when you submit this form, we will be collecting your personal data. For more information about personal data processing, please see our Privacy Statement.


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